Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The fear of losing something (which seems) dearest to me

A few consecutive incidents that happened within a day had made me realize that the job i am holding now is not completely mine, yet, I am still under probation.

Maybe this is my first formal job, I have always thought that probation can be cleared easily; the possibility of failing one is low, till one of my colleagues left. I was rather traumatize by that, and became very very conscious when I am delivering my tasks late (cause it is part of my goals to deliver on time) . I am sincerely hoping that I would be able to clear my probation and celebrate the 4th PD and so on with my fellow batch mates. Praying hard nowww!

Putting that fear asides, the company's policy to filter employees through probation shows that they are only interested in people who can contribute. And they are really hiring people based on trust, so hiding and lying to the firm about your education or employment history will do you no good. They will just terminate your employment soon after you join. Pardon my mistake for seeing you as desperate company for people, you are just being nice to give everyone who come by a chance.

I was feeling kinda down recently, but I am thankful for those who were there and will continue to be there for me, to listen to my rants daily, to hear me saying alien languages and still pretend to understand. Cant be more thankful to the existence of these people, especially when i am staying away from home. I guess I am gonna rise above all this and give my best at work daily Hopefully I will leave the company with no regret if I am told to. But I am just saying, please do not ask me to leave, I really love the company and job! T.T

Okay, my thoughts are more or less written down and cleared from my mind, so it is time to sleep! Woohoo, gonna start afresh tomorrow! Hwaiting :)


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