I always thought that I can handled stress very well. Then, I found out that actually I can't lately.
When there is too much troubling issues, I got lose at which one to solve first. What is the best solution for each issue? I cant really process it in my mind. And so in the end, I will sort of make the wrong decision. Even though there is not such thing as the wrong decision, just not the best one. Feel like a loser for not being able to handle stress more properly, and this causing my daily activities being disrupted.
Maybe it's time to learn to stop reading too much into things, see everything at surface value, and do not enlarge small issue, perhaps then my life will be easier?
Fallen in love with doing one thing at one time. To this, I mean physical thing, not the above mentioned kind.
I like lying on the sofa and watching tv. And do nothing else, no assignment, no artwork, no food, maybe snacks! I find it most enjoyable this way! I will feel kinda KAIXIN just being able to do that! Maybe cause I'm getting older, and I really appreciate time alone more!
I really need to recharge badly!
To sort up all my thoughts, and be ready for the next exciting year! It is coming soon right?! CAN'T WAIT!
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