Friday, November 30, 2012


When the girls around me are attached, then I started to be worried about myself, and hence always joke about wanting to get a man ASAP! Be it matchmaking or whatever. Haha

But when I'm given the chance, I was kinda freak out. Only when I changed my mindset from match making to Friend making, then I'm more calm.

Seriously, one will only know more once she experienced it. I always thought I have average expectation for my future bf/husband; it turn out to be otherwise. I have high expectation, so much so that I doubt I am compatible to man who met those expectation.

While I am judging others, others are doing similar stuff! Then, do I fit their bills? Well, I do not have the body. Look wise, hmm haha acceptable! Sweet and caring?! Well, I will be like that to new friends/ acquaintances, to that I meant those I know less than one Day! I will reveal my bitchy self when I got close to others. I cannot imagine myself consoling a guy when he meet some difficulties or failures. That's so not me! Alright, maybe I can say a few lines of console, and that's it!

The more I reflect about myself, the more faults I find I possess, which I would not change, at least for now! So ya, serve me right for being single! Maybe single is good for me! Cause I do not have the time to date, to quarrel, to get jealous and to entertain!



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